Saturday, June 17, 2023

counting board debris

ants,bee,counting board,Small Hive Beetle,pollen,debris,bee keeping,wax moth larvae,wax,
ants,bee,counting board,Small Hive Beetle,pollen,debris,bee keeping,wax moth larvae,wax,
ants,bee,counting board,Small Hive Beetle,pollen,debris,bee keeping,wax moth larvae,wax,
I'm not a fan of leaving the counting board beneath the screen.  However, for spring swarms I usually start with the board and remove it when entering warmer weather.
Budgeting time between my day job, gardening, dog walking, going to physical therapy, blah blah blah - Well, I left the board in place without inspection for too long - 77 days, what was I thinking?
I tugged on the corrugated plastic sheet without success.   I shared my why do I keep making my life difficult story with a friend, Michael Willis, who had a great idea - attach a strip of duct tape along the length of the plastic sheet for additional grip.  If one duct tape strip is good, I thought to myself, let's try two duct tape strips, let's include a handle.  No luck, the board would not move!   In desperation, I pushed an 18-inch metal ruler beneath the screen a few times and was able to move, then pull out the board in one piece.
The debris consists of:
  • lots of beeswax and you guessed it, wax moth larvae
  • pollen
  • ants 
  • small hive beetles
The last photo was taken after discarding the fine debris with a screen.  The wax scales/flakes look fabulous.

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