Sunday, August 25, 2019

bottling 2019

bee, beekeeping, bottler, ergonomic, honey, pail perch, white foam, honey label,
Here's my over-the-stove ergonomic bottling setup. Not shown is my homemade pail perch which helps exclude white foam.
bee, beekeeping, bottler, ergonomic, honey, pail perch, white foam, honey label,
These yellow caps contain a drip-less valve for upside-down storage.  I attach a upside-down label to my third hand (T-square), then transfer the label to the bottle.   Not perfect, but this process helps appropriately place the label.


Unknown said...

How many ounces do your bottles hold?

George Andl said...

These are 8oz plastic bottles which I purchased from Brushy Mountain. Although small bottles require more bottling effort, it's the perfect gift size.