Saturday, December 5, 2020

beneficial nematodes

beekeeping,southeastern insecectories,bee,Small Hive Beetle,Beneficial Nematodes,
Beneficial nematodes (Heterorhabditis Indica) to treat the soil for SHB larvae arrived in an insulated FedEx mailer which I moved to the refrigerator.  As shown in side-by-side photos, I removed the leaf litter at backyard hive locations and then wet the soil - all strategies so the nematodes land on wet soil and not on top of leaf litter.
beekeeping,southeastern insecectories,bee,Small Hive Beetle,Beneficial Nematodes,

The next step was washing nematodes from gel transport material - small gel pieces can clog the watering can.   I followed the Southeastern Insectaries instructions which recommend using a tea strainer.   In hindsight, a larger strainer with a fine mesh is more desirable as the numerous gel pieces quickly overwhelmed the capacity of a typical tea strainer.

I added more water to the bucket, then stirred to keep nematodes from settling to the bottom.  Ultimately, I transferred the liquid to a watering can.   Direct sunlight (UV light) is fatal to nematodes, so one hour after dark I watered the liquid nematode suspension onto the soil - while wearing a head lamp.

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