Tuesday, March 31, 2020

first check on swarm capture

bee, beekeeping, cloake board,  queen excluder, sustainable, swarm capture,
 bee, beekeeping, cloake board,  queen excluder, sustainable, swarm capture,
 bee, beekeeping, cloake board,  queen excluder, sustainable, swarm capture,
bee, beekeeping, cloake board,  queen excluder, sustainable, swarm capture,

Two swarms are left undisturbed and this is the first check of their comb building.

First photo - A small swarm (captured March 13th) built comb on 4 out of 5 deep frames, but just along 1/4 of the frame length near the hive entrance.

A medium sized swarm (captured March 23rd) built comb on 5 of 8 deep frames and mostly away from the hive entrance.

Not surprising, comb building is proportional to swarm size.

Last photo - I added a cloake board (with its metal tray) beneath the medium swarm, all of which sits atop an over-wintered hive (without its inner cover and telescoping cover). Later, the metal tray will be removed and the bees can communicate through the cloake board's built-in queen excluder.  The maker of cloake board did not have this non-queen rearing purpose in mind, but it works for me.

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