Here I'll compare winter bee respiration with and without the
Bee Cozy hive wrap for two hives. On the graph, think of the horizontal axis as outdoor temperature and vertical axis as the bee respiration temperature. See
previous posts for the measurement method. All graph points have top vent temperatures greater than paver temperatures which is consistent with an active and alive hive. Red circles without fill are measurements with no Bee Cozy.
In the graph notice:
- all points are consistently closer to the upper left corner with the Bee Cozy
- hive #1 has top vent temperatures as large as 80 ℉ and consistently warmer than hive #2
- the last measurement (blue circle with fill) is consistently closer to the upper left corner than other graph points.
Hive #1 has more flight activity than hive #2 and the last measurement (blue circle with fill) is most likely attributed to a larger bee population in response to spring forage and warmer spring temperatures.
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