Monday, July 16, 2018

with and without Bee Cozy hive wrap

bee, beekeeping, temperature, ventilation, winter, cloake board, respiration, bee cozy, hive wrap,
There's no ideal way to compare winter bee respiration with and without the Bee Cozy, but I'll do my best here.

IR temperature measurements started on 12-Nov-2017 without the Bee Cozy.  See a previous post, bee respiration, for measurement method.  On 2-Jan-2018, the 17.0°F outdoor temperature convinced me to add the Bee Cozy to two vertically stacked hives.  Only the queen excluder portion of a cloake board separate these hives.  1 Bee Cozy is added to the bottom hive (4 boxes) and 2 overlapping Bee Cozys are added to the top hive (5 boxes). The Bee Cozy is designed for 10 frame equipment.  So, the Bee Cozy easily slips over my 8 frame boxes and cloake board with no effort.  This 2-Jan-2018 measurement point appears as a blue dot in the lower left corner of dots - Paver temperature equals 17.0°F and Top Vent temperature equals 31.0°F.  On the graph, think of the horizontal axis as outdoor temperature and vertical axis as the bee respiration temperature.

All graph points lie above the green line (x= y) which is consistent with an active and alive hive. Blue dots are measurements without the Bee Cozy and trend beneath orange dots which are measurements with the Bee Cozy.  Excluding a few points, the Bee Cozy consistently increases bee respiration (Top Vent) temperature.

Wondering why I went into winter with such a tall stack of boxes which requires step ladder beekeeping - there's no good reason other than lazy beekeeping.

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